> -:  set envelope_from
> Ok, that did the trick.  Thanks!
Well, maybe I spoke too soon.

It's true that the list servers I was having problems with are
now recognizing me, but our SysAdmin tells me there are still
problems (see his explanation below).  Is this really a problem?
I'd like to keep using mutt/IMAP if I could....  TIA/jtw
   MUTT seems to use normal sendmail channels to send messages rather
   than connecting directly to the IMAP server.  We run in a full IMAP
   environment (/var/mail is not mounted to client machines and clients
   do not run sendmail daemon).  

   This results in the sender's address being set to user@localhost
   regardless of what MUTT settings are changed.  The final header 
   shows the sender's address as being from the workstation MUTT was 
   running on rather than the mail server.  In this respect, it behaves 
   exactly like "mailx".

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