On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 05:52:06PM -0800, Jason Helfman wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 01, 2000 at 09:18:01PM +0200, Mikko Hänninen muttered:
> | Jason Helfman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Wed, 01 Nov 2000:
> | > Do you have any special settings at all for this in mutt? I am
> | > unable to do this? Did you compile with any different flags?
> | 
> | It should work without any configuration, as Mutt auto-detects the
> | folder type.
> | 
> | Could you please be more specific about "I am unable to do this"?

> Refer to the thread of "MAILDIR, MBOX"
> I always get: this isn't a mailbox file error.

I know it's annoying to have people saying "Try this, try that", but
I went back and read the original thread and this one and the only
meaningful difference between my mutt -v and yours (besides base OS) is
that you have the compression patch compiled in.

If it's not too much of a pain, could you recompile 1.2.5 /without/ that
patch and see if switching between a plain (uncompressed) mbox and a
maildir works? I use maildirs for my inbox and each mailing list I'm on,
but use mbox for sent mail, postponed mail and spam I intend to deal
with at a later time - I have no trouble switching between them. This
would at least establish a baseline "works or doesn't work".

Also, a final shot-in-the-dark: When you dropped back from 1.3.x to
1.2.5, did you change patches? I seem to recall different compression
patches based on version and I wonder if the 1.3.x patch would apply
successfully but screw something up? (I haven't checked the code...
that's next!)


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