Can mutt read both mbox and maildir, without user intervention? Meaning, I can open up a mbox file with mutt, and then jump to another box that is maildir, and use mutt. I never leave the program and do nothing except change directory. -- /Jason G Helfman "At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always been in your possession." Fingerprint: 6A32 3774 E390 33B5 8C96 2AA1 2BF4 BD71 35A1 C149 GnuPG Get Private! 1024D/35A1C149
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- Re: Mail box format? Peter Pentchev
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- Re: Mail box format? Mikko Hänninen
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- Re: Mail box format? Timothy Legant
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- Re: Mail box format? David T-G
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- Re: Mail box format? Jason Helfman
- change color settings depend ... fred smith