On Mon, Oct 23, 2000 at 04:21:19PM +0200, Peter J . Holzer wrote:
> On 2000-10-20 17:02:57 +0930, Brian Salter-Duke wrote:
> > I recently decided to try GnuPG after using only pgp2 off and on for
> > some years. It was only after I downloaded it and played with it for a
> > while, that I realised that version 1.0.3 was very recent. I had got in
> > right at the beginning of a new version. This new version incorporates
> > RSA which I understand came out of copyright only in September.
> PGP 2.x also uses the IDEA algorithm which is patented in some countries
> (and therefore not included in GPG), so you will still need one plugin
> for GPG to handle 2.x-compatible PGP-messages.
Thanks, Peter and all the others who have replied to my original
message. However I remain confused. I realise that IDEA is missing from
1.0.4 and I would need it for pgp2 compatability. However, I am not sure
I want pgp2 compatability. I may stick with GnuPG as is. However that
raises my original question. gpg.rc uses gpg_2comp (I may have the name
wrong) and this SEEMS to presume you are using the IDEA pluggin etc. So,
does gpg.rc work for GnuPG out of the box or do you need another rc
file? Or indeed does mutt only work with GnuPG if it is made compatable
with pgp2. PGP and its mates still confuses me. There seems to be so
much incompatability these days.
Cheers, Brian.
Associate Professor Brian Salter-Duke (Brian Duke) [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Chemistry, School of BECS, SITE, NT University, Darwin, NT 0909, Australia.
Phone 08-89466702. Fax 08-89466847. http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/
Get PGP2 Key:- http://www.smps.ntu.edu.au/chemistry/duke.key.html