why not just sync the mailbox before starting the draft? then if you start
another mutt which modifies the flags, it doesn't matter.


On 15 Oct 00, 12:16PM, Dan Boger wrote:
> On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 12:51:12PM +0100, Conor Daly wrote:
> > I don't think this would work.  mutt sits waiting for the editor to return
> > before sending the mail.  If you use gvim which detaches itself from mutt,
> > mutt decides that you've abandoned the message and aborts the send.  To
> > make mutt use gvim you need to use something like
> > 
> > set editor='gvim -e'
> > 
> > which tells gvim to remain within the current process until it exits
> > rather than detaching from its parent immediately.
> ok, but that doesn't help you keep reading mail while you're editing a draft...
> I don't have a solution for this though - need some way for mutt to just go
> on, not waiting for the process, and not deleteing the tmpfile... then, somehow,
> when the editor is done, something needs to send that mail...

     Peter Jaques <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>   <http://cs.oberlin.edu/~pjaques>
   klezmer&balkan&turkish clarinet; free food&shelter; books to prisoners
 pgp: email me with subject "get pgp key", or finger [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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