On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 12:51:12PM +0100, Conor Daly wrote:
> I don't think this would work. mutt sits waiting for the editor to return
> before sending the mail. If you use gvim which detaches itself from mutt,
> mutt decides that you've abandoned the message and aborts the send. To
> make mutt use gvim you need to use something like
> set editor='gvim -e'
> which tells gvim to remain within the current process until it exits
> rather than detaching from its parent immediately.
ok, but that doesn't help you keep reading mail while you're editing a draft...
I don't have a solution for this though - need some way for mutt to just go
on, not waiting for the process, and not deleteing the tmpfile... then, somehow,
when the editor is done, something needs to send that mail...
Dan Boger
System Administrator
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