On Sun, Oct 15, 2000 at 10:20:06AM +0530, Suresh Ramasubramanian muttered:
> Bob Bell proclaimed on mutt-users that:
> > Just open another mutt session. Unlike many mail editors, you can
> > have multiple instances of mutt running at the same time.
> However, mailbox flags get modified when you do this - especially with mbox
> folders. A better thing to do is to use something like gvim or emacs as the
> editor (both of which pop up in different terms from the mutt window, and
> multiple sessions of which can be opened leaving your mutt xterm free)
Which is rather useless because then mutt just sits there with its tongue
hanging out saying "Waiting for Emacs..." until the editor completes. That
phrase is probably an artifact of emaclient rather than mutt, but it does
reneder mutt rather useless while one is editing an email.
-- C^2
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