On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 04:32:12PM -0700, barry angell wrote:
> This is true, but blind signing of public keys is not
> recommended. Unless you are really sure that the message
> and key come from the purported sender, you could be signing
> a fraudulent key.
True. I should have cautioned people about that. The whole point of the
warning is that it is a warning - although those two lines of text
do get annoying.
My macro was originaly intended as more of a fun hack than a convenience. I
did it because it was annoying that almost every other aspect of GPG can be
tied into mutt... but not key signing.
[- Bruce J.A. Nourish (email and finger) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> -]
[- GPG key ID BE062236 (75C2 6784 B600 F7F4 E35E A039 F62C 5AC7 BE06 2236) -]
[- Fax (775) 665-5938 Phone (480) 763-6970 Pgr (602) 201-3376, ICQ 38344897 -]
[- Web http://www.kode187.net - Postal: PO Box 51611, Phoenix AZ 85076-1611 -]