On Sun, Sep 24, 2000 at 02:52:02AM -0400, Russell Hoover wrote:
> Why do I get this warning as part of the PGP output of every single
> signed message on this list (except my own)?
> gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature!
> gpg:          There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner.
> What have I set wrong?
Nothing is wrong with your mutt config -- what you need to do is use gpg to
'sign' the key with your own key, to indicate that you know this key belongs
to who it claims to belong to.

Normaly you would do this using gpg --sign-key <userid>

I have the following macro defined - it is a disgusting hack but I think its
neat. Try it:

macro pager \Cp  \
"|gpg --list-pack|head -n1|cut -b43-|xargs gpg --sign-key\n<exit><display-message>" 
"Attempt to sign key"
[- Bruce J.A. Nourish (email and finger) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    -]
[- GPG key ID BE062236 (75C2 6784 B600 F7F4 E35E  A039 F62C 5AC7 BE06 2236) -]
[- Fax (775) 665-5938 Phone (480) 763-6970 Pgr (602) 201-3376, ICQ 38344897 -]
[- Web http://www.kode187.net - Postal: PO Box 51611, Phoenix AZ 85076-1611 -]

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