Why do I get this warning as part of the PGP output of every single signed message on this list (except my own)? gpg: WARNING: This key is not certified with a trusted signature! gpg: There is no indication that the signature belongs to the owner. What have I set wrong? -- // [EMAIL PROTECTED] //
- Re: gpg warning: key not certified w/trusted sig ?? Russell Hoover
- Re: gpg warning: key not certified w/trusted sig ?... Bruce J.A. Nourish
- Re: gpg warning: key not certified w/trusted s... barry angell
- Mutt and weblinks (was: gpg warning: key n... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: Mutt and weblinks barry angell
- Re: Mutt and weblinks Ben Reser
- Re: gpg warning: key not certified w/trust... Bruce J.A. Nourish