At 6:24 AM EDT on September 23 Jens Askengren sent off:
> While I was replying to Peter Jaques question about a catchup command,
> another reply was already posted to the list. I couldn't possibly know
> that, because it's impossible to browse the mailboxes and compose at the
> same time. This is quite annoying, and a good reasons to code a GUI for
> mutt.
I suggest xbuffy or gbuffy. I can easily fit 3 mailboxes into a 64x64 pixel
space on my panel, and right clicking shows me the author and subject of all
new messages in a box, and middle clicking brings up a new mutt if I need to
read one of those messages.
> Mutt is one of the most powerful mail user agents I know of. It has only
> one major bug: you have to be a poweruser to utilize its features.
> A GUI for mutt would not only make it more easy to use,
but would keep the newbies from progressing to become powerusers.
> but would also make it possible to add good support for unicode fonts and
> right-to-left text rendering.
I've never considered this before, but is that really impossible with curses?
At 11:39 AM EDT on September 23 Jens Askengren sent off:
> On Sat, Sep 23, 2000 at 10:19:17AM -0400, David T-G wrote:
> > Could what you suggest be accomplished or approximated through a few
> > macros here and there combined with multiple term windows running mutt
> > under a windowing system?
> Most likely. But that still wouldn't let people to render bidirectional
> text or make tagging any easier.
What's so hard about tagging?
I often wonder if this random sigger is really random...
Whenever people agree with me I always feel I must be wrong. -- Oscar Wilde
Robert I. Reid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/
PGP Key: http://astro.utoronto.ca/~reid/pgp.html