Well, a GUI does have some advantages:
- One can read HTML-mail... OK, people should not be sending html, but
really a lot of (Microsoft)-users, do. It would be quite nice to view
the layout they intended with fonts inline images.
- The resolution is usally much more, so you can have more text on the
- You can have multiple windows.

Of course it shouldn't be dumb like ms-programs, but more like gVIM.
Everything works the same, but it has some advantages.

I'm not sure if it is possible to share most of the code between an
console and GTK-version, but it may be considered to try a GTK-version.

> Additionally, a GUI-mutt could have a frame based addressbook, a
> .muttrc-wizzard, etc.
> What do you think? If such an idea has a chance to go into the mutt-sources,
> I would like to contribute to a GTK-frontend.
>       -Jens
Wouter Verheijen

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