While I was replying to Peter Jaques question about a catchup command,
another reply was already posted to the list. I couldn't possibly know 
that, because it's impossible to browse the mailboxes and compose at the
same time. This is quite annoying, and a good reasons to code a GUI for 

Yes, I'm suggesting that mutt needs a GUI. I know that some of you might
want to edit your .procmailrc after reading this post. Please do so, but
read this first =)

Mutt is one of the most powerful mail user agents I know of. It has only
one major bug: you have to be a poweruser to utilize its features.
A GUI for mutt would not only make it more easy to use, but would also 
make it possible to add good support for unicode fonts and right-to-left
text rendering. It would also be possible to have a separate composer

A GUI-mutt could be implemented by separating mutt into a backend and
several frontends (curses, X11, etc). The frontend could be selected at
compiletime, or loaded as a plugin/dll/.so-lib at runtime. Given the same
.muttrc, the different frontends should feel and act the same.

Additionally, a GUI-mutt could have a frame based addressbook, a
.muttrc-wizzard, etc.

What do you think? If such an idea has a chance to go into the mutt-sources,
I would like to contribute to a GTK-frontend.


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