i'm looking for some command that will mark all messages in a current mailbox as being read, without having to actually read them. sort of like ^R but for an entire mailbox (& not dependent on threading). is there a such? thanks peter
- Re: catchup command? Peter Jaques
- Re: catchup command? David Champion
- Re: catchup command? Byrial Jensen
- Re: catchup command? David Champion
- Re: catchup command? Jens Askengren
- Re: catchup command? Peter Jaques
- A better mutt? (Was Re: catchup command?) Jens Askengren
- Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: catchup comman... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: catchup c... Jens Askengren
- Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: catch... Mikko Hänninen
- Re: A better mutt? (Was Re: c... Chris Green