On Tue, Sep 12, 2000 at 09:32:50PM +0200, Thomas Roessler alleged:
> On 2000-09-12 11:48:46 -0700, Garrick Staples wrote:
> >     I've been working on some scripts and macros to add some
> > basic x509 cert and smime handling to mutt.  So far so good, I
> > can fetch keys from signed messages, read encrypted email, and
> > read signed and encrypted email.  Signing and encrypting emails
> > is easy from the command-line, but within mutt... well, I just
> > haven't figured out that yet.
> I don't think macros are the way to go here.  Please have a look at
> mutt's pgp.c which has most of the code for _invoking_ pgp.

I agree, I would be really cool for mutt to do this stuff as nicely as it does 
pgp.  As I'm still kinda new at this x509/smime stuff, I thought I'd just 
futz around with some macros for a bit until I understood it all better.  And I
mostly just wanted to throw out some feelers to see if it's already been done
[by people smarter than me :)].

So I'm lead to believe that noone has done this before?

> -- 
> Thomas Roessler                         <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Garrick Staples, Xenologic Data Security

PGP public key at http://speculation.org/garrick/Garrick_Staples.pubkey.asc

PGP signature

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