Hi all,
I've been working on some scripts and macros to add some basic x509 cert
and smime handling to mutt. So far so good, I can fetch keys from signed
messages, read encrypted email, and read signed and encrypted email. Signing
and encrypting emails is easy from the command-line, but within mutt... well, I
just haven't figured out that yet.
Has anyone already gone down this road? Is there a way I can tap into
the PGP passphrase handling code so that I don't have to type my cert
passphrase everytime? Is there a way I can change the Content-Type: of the
email from text/plain to 'application/x-pkcs7-mime; name="smime.p7m"'?
BTW, I'm a total mutt newbie. I just 'saw the light' last week. Praise
mutt, I've never been excited about an email client before now. I've been
preaching it to my friends ever since.
Garrick Staples, Xenologic Data Security
PGP public key at http://speculation.org/garrick/Garrick_Staples.pubkey.asc
PGP signature