On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 10:40:46AM -0400, David T-G muttered:
> Charles, et al --
> ...and then Charles Curley said...
> % On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 08:15:19AM -0400, David T-G muttered:
> % > ...and then Anthony Green said...
> % > % 
> % > % This was a thought I had while deleteing spam mail and was wondering if
> ...
> % > 
> % > much to automate my spam submissions to spamcop; it's easy enough now
> ...
> % > and etcetc.  The standard way to submit a spam message is to paste it into
> % > the web page and hit the button, but this was a PITA under one terminal
> % 
> % But it might be something to automate using the duct tape of the
> % net. Christiansen & Torkington, Perl Cookbook, O'Reilly, 1998, has a
> % recipe for automating forms submission (20.2). It is slick and I have used
> % it extensively for testing a form's CGI program. Can you use this to build
> % a perl script to submit the info to spamcop?
> Hmmm...  How would that benefit me better than just forwarding the note
> to spamcop, which is all handled with a simple ";fsc:wqy" to tag-forward
> the items to my sc alias, force a vim write, and say yes to shipping?

If you can automate shipping it to spamcop via email, then it gets you
nothing at that stage.

> Now one interesting possibility would be to hand the returned email,
> with all of those URLs, off to this script so that it could open lynx on
> each [qualifying] URL, wait 5 seconds, continue on, check any un-checked
> addresses, and then submit...  It would literally be "fire and forget" :-)

You wouldn't even need lynx. You would use another recipe to camp on the
URL for the requisite 5 seconds or so, then extract the information you
want from the web page. It would then sumbit for you.

> % 
> % The recipe returns the return web page, which you could then pass to the
> % browser of your choice for examination or further manual transactions.
> If I'm still have to stop at the browser, then I'm not getting any
> benefit.

Right. Automating handling the response, as you said above, is the way to


                -- C^2

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