A couple of procmail rules and enabling rbl in sendmail or patching
qmail is enough for me. I get maybe 1 peice of spam a month.

On Thu, Aug 17, 2000 at 07:40:09PM +1000, Anthony Green muttered:
| Hi,
| This was a thought I had while deleteing spam mail and was wondering if
| it could be done via a Mutt macro or otherwise. Couldnt really see anything
| on mutt.org for dealing with spam.
| Ok .. so rather than just deleting a spam mail, I was thinking to generate
| a authentic mailer daemon failure message and then send that back to the
| sender. So, although I have received the message, Im sending a failure
| message back which says my address is undeliverable / unknown etc.
| Kind of like having a forged mail message from postmaster/mailser daemon
| already setup which inserts the relevant spam email and sends it back
| as a failure etc.
| Sure it wont work for some cases of spam where the reply-to address isnt set
| or set wrong, but for the cases that it does work it may get your email
| address removed from a spam mailing list.
| After you run the macro .. or from the macro itself, it would then delete
| the spam message once the failure message has been sent to the spammer.
| Anyone have any ideas on the above, or any ideas in general about controlling
| spam?
| Regards,
| -- 
| Anthony Green

/Jason G Helfman

"At any given moment, you may find the ticket to the circus that has always
been in your possession."

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