Hello Mutt Users!
On pon 07 sie 2000 17:33:40 GMT Aaron Schrab wrote:

> I suspect that that's what's happening in this case, since the example
> message (which had Content-Type: text/plain) got modified by my procmail
> rules and mutt successfully checked the signature.

Yes, that's it and that's why I wrote about this :)

> But the rule that prevents this from happening with multipart messages
> is necessary, because the modification that is done by that rule will
> prevent mutt (or any MUA) from dealing with multipart messages.  So,
> it's a tradeoff:

Yes, you're absolutely right. However there must be a solution. Tell me
how the attachment/MIME mechanizm work. I mean I know generally but
maybe there is a RFC or something describing the thing? Right now I am
analyzying Mutt's Content-Type output. I think there is need for a
script (maybe Perl) that will reformat mails which give the trouble.
One more thing: do lines like -----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- or
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- need to be removed? I mean GPG will
recognize and skip them?

Tomasz Olszewski

PGP signature

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