Hello Mutt Users!
On pon 07 sie 2000 13:21:59 GMT David T-G wrote:

> You mean slow for you to write for every user like this, or slow for
> procmail to process because it's another recipe to check?

As you know (after reading the very end of my previous mail) I mean slow
for procmail :)

> I can certainly understand the frustration of having specific procmail
> rules for each correspondent

Well, I didn't even think of something like that. It has to be user

> My collection of included
> rules files currently has (hmmm ... counts ":0" occurences ...) something
> like 247 recipes
Jeez! It really is a BIG procmailrc :)

> (some nested) and my mail delivery certainly seems to
> go pretty quickly.  I admit that even I don't worry too much if it takes
> an extra second or two for mail to land in a mailbox, since I'm probably
> answering another when it arrives anyway :-)

I don't think some new recipes could _really_ slow down procmail.
However I like my scripts and other things to be as fast, simple and small
as possible. Sometimes even paranoic :) However I don't see any other
easy solution. I think I'll have to add another recipe. Hope it'll work
THX for replying.

Tomasz Olszewski

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