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Hi Caster and David,
On Monday, August 07, 2000, 1:27:17 PM, you hammered out in part about
"PGP6 & The Bat":
>> You mean slow for you to write for every user like this, or slow
>> for procmail to process because it's another recipe to check?
Since I am in "that other OS" now, I can send you a signed PGP file of
PGP 6.3 in The Bat! so that you can see the headers. The Bat! uses
two types of PGP structuring. It has it's own internal PGP which only
enables RSA type of encryption. You can use your own PGP flavor and
have the program just point or path to it, and it will automatically
use that newer external PGP and keyrings, etc.
I do not know why it uses that form in the headers, but I can surely
write to the programmers with respect to it, or on the Beta list, to
see what develops.
In reading your email in The Bat!, your signature is seen as an
attachment (called "message.att) and not in-line with the message,
which means one has to open it up separately. Is this normal with
Mutt? How would you set your GPG sig in-line?
- --
Best regards,
Today's thought: Never settle with words what you can accomplish with
a flame-thrower.
PGP Public Key: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]?subject=SendPGPKey
Version: PGP 6.5i