David, et al --

...and then David Champion said...
% On 2000.07.24, in <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
%       "David T-G" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
% > David, et al --
% >
% > % So, short answer: Eudora can send to Mutt, but Mutt can't send to
% > % Eudora, and it's Eudora's fault.
% >
% > FWIW, I have been able to send with mutt-0.95.4i and pgp5; my recipient
% > may whine a bit, but he's been reading the messages well for quite a
% > while now (since his upgrade a few months ago).
% Yes... to be more precise: Eudora can read signed messages, but (in my
% experience) it can neither verify signed PGP/MIME messages, nor decrypt
% encrypted PGP/MIME messages.

Perhaps I should clarify: I've sent PGP/MIME signed+encrypted messages
with mutt-0.95.4i and pgp5 (at least, I think I have been; didn't 0.95.4i
do PGP/MIME unless you hacked up your own gawdawful macro as you quoted
back to me?) and my pal reads them with no trouble (or, perhaps, following
his typical procedure that is now comfortable for him, but I doubt it
because he quotes my messages in replies and so I think it's Eudora doing
the decoding and including).

My big surprise was that there was apparently a change; mutt-0.95.4i+pgp5
worked fine, and mutt-1.2.4i+gpg-1.0.1 didn't, and I was signing and
encrypting both times.  I realize, of course, that I have changed two
variables in this equation :-)

% > In addition, I never have a problem reading his mail, but that could be
% > because I'm using the procmail recipe from PGP-Notes and don't have to
% > worry about it any more :-)
% Yeah.  I just took that out of my own config so I can test this a
% little more -- I've just been studying Eudora the last couple of days.

Woo hoo -- and, believe me, I wish you luck and great success!

% ME gave some sample macros for circumventing this issue when he posted
% his edit-type patch, I think; these should work in absence of
% procmail.

How nice.  Of course, I plan to stick with procmail :-)

% > I tried sending old-style messages with pgp_create_traditional; he tells
% > me that Eudora detaches the message and he has to go and find it and
% > open it (he chooses to use Word, of all things!), and the text is there.
% I'm not familiar with pgp_create_traditional -- I haven't been paying
% attention to this area of development, since it all works OK for me so
% far. :)

Just in case you're *really* not familiar, it's a variable that lets you
call your pgp_clearsign_command (a variable holding that command
structure) instead of pgp_sign_command (the command to do PGP/MIME
signing).  I know you can RTFM, so I'll only point you to 6.3.115 and
6.3.120/6.3.121 :-)

Interestingly enough, as I review my gpg.rc to get the exact names
of these variables I see that there is a clearsign command but not,
apparently, an equivalent clearencrypt or inlineencrypt command.
I just checked the encrypted-only old-style test message I sent a few
minutes ago, and it *did* look right, but maybe I don't know for what
I'm looking...

% > I searched both mutt archives and a teeny bit of the web in general, but
% > didn't find anything.  Is "the old way" what you meant, or do you hint at
% > something else?
% Yes: I was referring to macros for filtering components through
% PGP/GPG.  You posted one of them.  (Ah, no substitute for personal

Aha!  Yes, I still have those in my muttrc :-)  I was specifically
searching against "Eudora", so it makes sense that my post wouldn't have
come up.

% archives.  Web archives can all * * *!)

Yeah.  Pretty much.  And I even meant to do something about that and
haven't gone forward with it.  Oh, well.

% Here are examples with citations, altered a bit to be more readable.  A
% lot of you have these already, but maybe this makes a useful summary
% for the FAQ or something.  I think these will work, but I haven't

Very cool!  Thanks!

% tested them all since rewriting them.  Check primary sources if in
% doubt.

Always a good idea.

% I'm not sure which of these would work best with Eudora, and my
% "Eudora-empowered" PC is not at hand.

Dare I hope that you'll be poking at this some more one day soon?

% The usual disclaimers: I don't mean to suggest that there aren't better
% sources for this stuff; this is just what I found.  No resposibility if
% this stuff crashes your mailer, erases your mail, drowns your fish,
% etc.  Everything I say is a lie.


Thanks again!

David T-G                       * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED]      * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
http://www.bigfoot.com/~davidtg/        Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001.  There was no year 0.
Note: If bigfoot.com gives you fits, try sector13.org in its place. *sigh*

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