Hello List,
I am trying to correspond with a friend who uses Windows and Eudora 4.3.2 (gasp!) with 
6.5.3. I use mutt and gnupg 1.0.1 ;).  When he invokes decrypt on my messages  all he 
is: "Content-type: text/plain: charset=us-ascii".  That is the end of the process;  no 
is visible.  He has no difficulty corresponding with me and others using pgp and 
windows. I
have read of mutt's alleged shortcomings with mime on the qmail list.
Is there a way to make mutt/gnupg and windows/eudora/pgp 6.5.3 talk to each other?

Dennis Robertson  2/2 Sylvia Street  NOOSAVILLE QLD 4566
Phone: 61 7 54742343  Mob: 0419 535539

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