On Sat, Jul 01, 2000 at 12:03:29PM +0400, Rino Mardo wrote:
: On Fri, Jun 30, 2000 at 11:45:07AM -0400 or thereabouts, David T-G wrote:
: >
: > Not particularly; I just want to help out the faq project to get some
: > quick answers for folks and unclutter the list.
: Unclutter the list? Would a different mailing list addy help? IN
: FreeBSD they have a freebsd-newbies and freebsd-hackers mailing list
: which I think this list needs. mutt-newbies and mutt-hackers
: What you'd all think about it?
Is there enough newbie traffic to warrant the creation of a separate
mailing list? If there is, do so. If there isn't, address the real
problem at hand.
I think the problem is the same that other forums have, which is how one
handles the same questions over and over again, without having to write
the same answers over and over again. To that end, a FAQ makes more
sense. Telling newbies to RTFM is like giving little school kids in
English class a college level grammar reference, while pointing out a
FAQ is like giving kids the teacher's edition of an English workbook ---
because it comes with the answers! Once the kids understand the basics,
or enough to solve their immediate problems, they can move onto the
official references.
I'm also interested in helping out with a Mutt FAQ project. So who's in
charge of the beast? :)
Eugene Lee