rex proclaimed on mutt-users that:

>I have hosted a LISTSERV (TM) list with about 400 subscribers for 
>several years. The only way to make topics work on my list is to
>moderate it, i.e., the moderator must approve each post and possibly

It works really well on the spam-l mailing list -

I think at least two or three spam-l members are on this list, they can
tell you that topics work quite ok when your members are clued enough :)

See the spam-l faq at for more.

>Perhaps it would work acceptably well on a list with more technically
>competent users, like this one.

It will, it will :)

Suresh Ramasubramanian + [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Love at first sight is one of the greatest labor-saving devices the
world has ever seen.

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