* David T-G <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (Mon, Jun 26, 2000 at 10:25:22AM -0400)
> Gerhard --

> ...and then Gerhard den Hollander said...

> % folder-hook muttusers 'set sort=threads; push <collapse-all>'

> % now when Im reading such a folder, and new mail comes in (which trhoiugh
> % the blessings of UUCP comes in batches) it is shown threaded, but with
> % threades expanded (not collapsed) ..

> Yep; when a message is added to a collapsed thread, it opens up that
> thread.  If messages are added to multiple threads, then each of those
> threads is opened up, as you might imagine.

So this is a feature ?
Considering mutt is really customisable, can I turn it off ?
(apart from hacking the source to get it in there that is ;) )

> You can get back to where you were with esc-V esc-V (yes, do it twice),

Yup, that does the trick as well, thanks ;)

It's (as I said) absolutely not serious or fatal or whatever .. it's just
weird ;)

esp. with high-volume mailing lists, that deal with some topics Im very
interested in, and other topics Im absolutwely not interested in, the
collapsed thread view is perfect 

        Gerhard,  [@jasongeo.com]   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  I spoke about wings ... You just flew
 =`\<,  I wondered, I guessed and I tried ... You just knew
(=)/(=) I sighed ... And you swooned
        I saw the crescent ... You saw the whole of the moon

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