Gerhard --
...and then Gerhard den Hollander said...
% folder-hook muttusers 'set sort=threads; push <collapse-all>'
% now when Im reading such a folder, and new mail comes in (which trhoiugh
% the blessings of UUCP comes in batches) it is shown threaded, but with
% threades expanded (not collapsed) ..
Yep; when a message is added to a collapsed thread, it opens up that
thread. If messages are added to multiple threads, then each of those
threads is opened up, as you might imagine.
You can get back to where you were with esc-V esc-V (yes, do it twice),
even though that may not be optimal from your point of view. I dunno if
changing to your current folder (that is, causing the folder-hook to be
executed again) will do it since it only sends one; I suspect that it
David T-G * It's easier to fight for one's principles
(play) [EMAIL PROTECTED] * than to live up to them. -- fortune cookie
(work) [EMAIL PROTECTED] Shpx gur Pbzzhavpngvbaf Qrprapl Npg!
The "new millennium" starts at the beginning of 2001. There was no year 0.
Note: If gives you fits, try in its place. *sigh*
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