OK, so the following isn't a bug,a nd I've got a pretty good idea what
causes it, ut it's still weird ..

Ive configured a couple of folders to automatically display in compressed
thread mode (or collapsed thread mode)


folder-hook muttusers 'set sort=threads; push <collapse-all>'

now when Im reading such a folder, and new mail comes in (which trhoiugh
the blessings of UUCP comes in batches) it is shown threaded, but with
threades expanded (not collapsed) ..

Not anooying, not fatal, but certainly weird ;)

        Gerhard,  <@jasongeo.com>   == The Acoustic Motorbiker ==       
   __O  Standing above the crowd, he had a voice so strong and loud
 =`\<,                  we'll miss him
(=)/(=) Ranting and pointing his finger, At everything but his heart
                        we'll miss him

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