> Brett Coon:

> 1.  Folder changes are really slow.  My MH folders (directories)
>     have thousands of messages, which undoubtedly is at least
>     part of the problem.  Would it be faster if I stored messages
>     in mbox format?  Is there anything else I can do to speed
>     it up other than deleting all my old email?

try to convert to maildir format.  it resembles mh in that every message is
kept in a single file in directories (folders), but there is no seq-uence
file.  please feedback on results.

> 2.  The feature I *really* want in a mailtool is the ability to
>     (conveniently) put various attributes on messages, such as
>     "answer within 1 week", "delete after 2 weeks", etc, and

i've searched for this feature for ages.  mutt has only the attributes you
described, but maybe with the aid of hooks and external applications...

currently i have a special folder called "termine" (dates in german), which
receives messages i should check frequently.  i forget them there with a
good conscience.

>     suggestions?  Is there currently support in Mutt for
>     annotating messages, or storing a separate message
>     attribute database?

i wonder:  would this feature not be more easily implemented in a
mail-shell like mh/exmh?


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