I'm currently an MH/exmh user, and I'm considering the switch to
mutt. I have tried it out briefly, and browsed the
documentation, so hopefully the following questions aren't too
1. Folder changes are really slow. My MH folders (directories)
have thousands of messages, which undoubtedly is at least
part of the problem. Would it be faster if I stored messages
in mbox format? Is there anything else I can do to speed
it up other than deleting all my old email?
2. The feature I *really* want in a mailtool is the ability to
(conveniently) put various attributes on messages, such as
"answer within 1 week", "delete after 2 weeks", etc, and
have the mailtool act accordingly on messages with these
attributes. My current mailtool basically has three message
states: unseen, read, and replied-to. To help me avoid
losing the important messages or keeping the unimportant
ones around, I'd like more states. Mutt seems extremely
customizable, but in browsing the documentation it's not at
all clear to me how I could do something like this. Any
suggestions? Is there currently support in Mutt for
annotating messages, or storing a separate message
attribute database?
Brett Coon - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - http://www.rahul.net/brett
Construction worker: In a past life this worm could have been your
[169] "Seven Years in Tibet" (1997)