On Wed, May 17, 2000 at 08:03:20AM +0200, Dennis Stosberg muttered:
> Am 15.05.2000 um 12:02:54 schrieb Steffan Hoeke:
> > EZMLM (http://www.ezmlm.org/) warns users for which messages bounce and
> > eventually removes them from the subscriber list ...
> > 
> > So, at least you get a warning (though not on a secondary address) but
> > you'll get the warnings / bounce messages evenually ....
[snipped: bounce warnings are (irritatingly) unclear]

> If ezmlm is used there should be a remark about this behaviour in
> the welcome message to prevent such senseless treads. And to stop
> people from subscribing again in case they don't understand that
> message.

That's strange, as per http://www.uk.ezmlm.org/faq-0.32/FAQ4.html#ss4.2:

"In addition, ezmlm has a number of new inventions. One of these is bounce
detection, which generates an automatic warning containing information
identifying the messages which have bounced, followed by a probe message
to the E-Mail addresses for which mail has bounced. If the probe bounces,
the address is unsubscribed. Thus, the system won't remove E-mail addresses
due to *temporary* bouces: it takes 12 days after the first bounce before a
warning is sent, and another 12 days of bounces after the warning bounce
before the probe message is sent."
The contents of the message that's sent upon bounce is completely
customizable, you should ask the Mailing List owner/maintainer to add
such a remark to the bounce warning message ....

Problem solved ?
> Regards, Dennis



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