On Mon, May 15, 2000 at 01:48:29AM +0200, clemensF muttered:
> > Mikko Hänninen (Mon 15.0500-00:40):
> > clemensF <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on Sun, 14 May 2000:
> > > can this be done: everyone may optionally supply a "backup" email-address
> > > which unsubscribe notification are forwarded to, so one at least knows
> > > what's happening?
> >
> > Hmmm, Majordomo doesn't support something like that. Sorry.
> does anybody know of a list manager with this functionality? this could
> prove important for desparate people...
EZMLM (http://www.ezmlm.org/) warns users for which messages bounce and
eventually removes them from the subscriber list ...
So, at least you get a warning (though not on a secondary address) but
you'll get the warnings / bounce messages evenually ....