Am 15.05.2000 um 12:02:54 schrieb Steffan Hoeke:

> EZMLM ( warns users for which messages bounce and
> eventually removes them from the subscriber list ...
> So, at least you get a warning (though not on a secondary address) but
> you'll get the warnings / bounce messages evenually ....

This's true, but it has a negative side effect as well. If your
mail server is unavailable for some reason, your message bounces.
In this case ezmlm will warn you to be removed from the list even
if it is only one message that bounced. I get those warnings
regularly from the ezmlm that manages the German SuSE Linux 
Mailinglist. Gets annoying with the time. 

Amusingly, there has recently been a thread on that list with
complains about that behaviour. Some people seem to get warnings
about bounced messages that are a few weeks old. (Mainly GMX
users...  :-<  )

If ezmlm is used there should be a remark about this behaviour in
the welcome message to prevent such senseless treads. And to stop
people from subscribing again in case they don't understand that

Regards, Dennis

Dennis Stosberg  ICQ: 63537718
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