On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 03:21:19PM +0200, Gero Treuner wrote:

> It is not the size of the source file discussed here, but the size of
> the resulting binary. This tends to be bigger and slower because of the
> additional assignment.


I really prefer code that compiles without warning. Sometimes (!) this can't
be prevented, but in this case...

> Personally I don't care. I know what -Wall means, and how picky
> compilers are then. System administrators should know this, too,
> consider this as an extra service of the developer and assume that
> the developer saw and checked the warning.

Hey, HP's CC is even more anal about the code.

Ralf Hildebrandt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> www.stahl.bau.tu-bs.de/~hildeb
Ah, young webmaster... java leads to shockwave. Shockwave leads to
realaudio. And realaudio leads to suffering. 

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