On Thu, Mar 30, 2000 at 04:21:40AM -0600, Aaron Schrab wrote:
> > umh...  I wouldn't really consider this a problem in the
> > installation mechanism...
> Since in cases like this, the resulting install could easily be unsafe,
> it could be argued that installing at all is an error.  There should
> probably be more noticeable errors at the least, maybe even require the
> person doing the install run something like "make unsafe_install".
Yes, I think this is right, if you allow the --prefix=<somewhere>
option then it suggests that the installation can be done by a
non-root user.

Is the issue just one of locking the mail spool correctly by the way?
Should it be possible for a user of mail on a system to set the
permissions correctly or does mutt require root to install?  I think
not actually as I didn't get this error on my other (Solaris) install
and I did that as a user too.

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