Here's another release candidate for mutt 1.2. You can download it from, or from any of the mirror sites listed on (Note that it will take a couple of hours for this version to propagate to the mirror sites.) Against 1.1.9, a couple of bugs is fixed. I really hope we can release this code as-is as 1.2 - so please report eventual bugs and problems as soon as possible to this list. --
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (RELEASE CANDIDATE) Thomas Roessler
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (RELEASE CANDI... Thomas Roessler
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (RELEASE CANDI... Chris Green
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (RELEASE C... Thomas Roessler
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (RELEA... Aaron Schrab
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is out (R... Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 is o... Vincent Lefevre
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 ... Ralf Hildebrandt
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1... Gero Treuner
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1... Ralf Hildebrandt
- Re: [Announce] Mutt-1.1.10 ... Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS