On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 02:03:37PM -0500, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Thomas> Changes against 1.1.8 are a couple of bug-fixes.  Unless someone
    Thomas> has some real show-stoppers, I'd consider this to be a release
    Thomas> candidate for 1.2, and release that version later that week.

I have found that mutt 1.1.9 is about 4x slower reading a 7.4 MB mail
file with 1451 messages in it than mutt 1.0.

I tried this several times to eliminate the effects of caching. It took mutt
1.0 about 7.8 seconds to bring up the file, it took mutt 1.1.9 about 28.8
seconds to bring up the same file.

I don't know if you would consider this a show stopper but it was enough for
me to back out 1.1.9 and go back to 1.0.

Eric M. Boehm                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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