On Mon, Mar 13, 2000 at 02:03:37PM -0500, Thomas Roessler wrote:
>>>>> "Thomas" == Thomas Roessler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Thomas> Changes against 1.1.8 are a couple of bug-fixes.  Unless someone
    Thomas> has some real show-stoppers, I'd consider this to be a release
    Thomas> candidate for 1.2, and release that version later that week.

    Thomas> If someone objects, please speak up now or be silent forever. ;-)

Well, this certainly isn't a showstopper but it is annoying. I liked the old
behavior where the full headers were included when replying -- I use sc in
emacs and it needs all the headers to work properly.

I've worked around it by using 

send-hook . 'unset weed'

I am assuming the reason for the change was consistency. If was some other
reason, could we go back to the old way. 

As I said, not a showstopper but my 2 cents.

Eric M. Boehm                               [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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