2000-03-03-22:23:36 Greg Matheson:
> My problem is that Web connections are slow here and I want to put
> urlview in the background and go back to the mutt I have running
> (rather than opening another and having to keep track of all my
> instances of mutt).
> But I don't think this is possible, because urlview is being run
> as a child of the mutt process, isn't it.

I have similar wishes; I like to keep my email reading uninterupted
by the web browsing I launch from the email.

I run entirely within one screen session, either within a single
screen-filling xterm, or just in a raw console in 50-line mode.

I take care of this with a line in .urlview:

        COMMAND screen browse '%s'

That causes the url to be viewed with a script "browse" in a
separate screen session. The script browse is in turn:

        case "$1" in
          https://*) exec lynx "$@";;
                  *) exec links "$@";;

so that https urls go via lynx, and everything else via links.

So when I hit ^B, I get urlview essentially instantly, and hitting
each link just opens another screen session, while leaving me in the
urlview. When I've fired up browsers on all the urls I'm interested
in I hit q and go back to mutt, and when I want to see which
browsers have hit pay-dirt I switch to those screen sessions.

I imagine something similar could be done for using separate X
windows for the browsing; if the command to hook up to the browser
doesn't exit immediately, perhaps background it?


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