On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 07:28:19PM +0100, Jens Bech Madsen wrote: > Unfortunately a lot of websites are based on databases and > often have really illegible URLs. I often have the problem that > urlview gives me a long list of nearly identical URLs without > providing context. I don't have that problem. My problem is that Web connections are slow here and I want to put urlview in the background and go back to the mutt I have running (rather than opening another and having to keep track of all my instances of mutt). But I don't think this is possible, because urlview is being run as a child of the mutt process, isn't it. Please correct my knowledge of UNIX, if I am wrong. -- Greg Matheson genius + soul = jazz Chinmin College, Taiwan Mr_Bean on SchMOOze [EMAIL PROTECTED] & telnet://health.acor.org#8888
- Reading HTML Attachments John P. Verel
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments -kevin-
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments John P. Verel
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Mikko Hänninen
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Telsa Gwynne
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Jens Bech Madsen
- Re: Reading HTML Attachment... Fairlight
- Re: Reading HTML Attach... Edmund GRIMLEY EVANS
- Re: Reading HTML Attachment... Greg Matheson
- Re: Reading HTML Attach... Bennett Todd
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments John P. Verel
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments David DeSimone
- Re: Reading HTML Attachment... John P. Verel
- Re: Reading HTML Attach... David DeSimone
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Pete Toscano
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments John P. Verel
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Thomas Roessler
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments Michael Sanders
- Re: Reading HTML Attachments John P. Verel