On Thu, Mar 02, 2000 at 07:28:19PM +0100, Jens Bech Madsen thus spoke:
> Unfortunately a lot of websites are based on databases and often have
> really illegible URLs. I often have the problem that urlview gives me a
> long list of nearly identical URLs without providing context.
> What I would really like to see is a function that allows you to choose an
> URL directly from the message window a bit like lynx.

I fail to see why the builtin pager can't have a URLjump binding that would
work like lynx does, and then let you trigger a browser external from that
point, on that url.

This seems to fall within the scope of a pager, yet leaves the web client
external, thus catering to the lean MUA/rest-to-other-suitable-apps model.
urlview is okay, but I think having this functionality built into the pager
would indeed be more slick and seamless.  

I agree with you on this.  This said from a person still running 0.95.7i.
:)  I saw all the bug reports at 1.x and decided I was better off where I
was.  I haven't been having any problems with mine.

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