On Thu, Jan 13, 2000 at 05:10:20PM +0100, Volker Tanner wrote:
> Hello out there!


> I'm new with mutt and now having some problems. I was using
> Outlook up to now (now flames please) and I miss some features,
> it's neither mouse nor clicking or colour- just handling 
> different mailboxes.
> I set up some procmail rules like
> :0
> * ^TOmutt-user
> mutt-user


> Here's the relevant entries (I think):
> mailboxes ! +mutt-user +several +other +mailboxes
> set mbox_type=Maildir 
> set folder=~/Mail
> set folder_format="%N %8s %d %f"
> folder-hook .              \
>     'set index_format="%3C %Z %{%b %d}  %-15.15n (%4c) %s"'
> What's wrong with that?

        Aha! you mbox_type is set to Maildir, which is exactly what you got,
your mail is put into a directory, each message is in its own file, I
recommend setting this value to mbox instead (set mbox_type=mbox). When you
click on this file then, it will display it like your inbox is displayed.

    -  Nick Jennings
Web  : http://nick.namodn.com

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