Hello out there!

I'm new with mutt and now having some problems. I was using
Outlook up to now (now flames please) and I miss some features,
it's neither mouse nor clicking or colour- just handling 
different mailboxes.
I set up some procmail rules like
* ^TOmutt-user

and that puts the mail right into the correct folder. But now- 
starting mutt I can view my inbox in the format

1 N   Jan 13  David Foobar    (0,8K) Re: PCMCIA BNC Problems
2 r   Jan 13  John Doe        (9,9k) Some question

and so on.
trying to change to "mutt-users" (c?) gives me a folder listing

 1       2048 Jan 13 16:45 ../
 2       1024 Jan 11 14:19 ARCH.sent/
 3       1024 Jan 12 17:16 mutt-user/
and <TAB> gives a view like

 1      12061 Jan 13 16:46 /var/spool/mail/me
 2       1024 Jan 12 17:15 =mutt-users/

each of those folders contains the mails procmail put there, 
but the listing looks like that:

 1       1024 Jan 12 16:25 ../
 2       5535 Jan 12 16:30 msg.LLZB
 3       4337 Jan 12 16:30 msg.MLZB
 4       3050 Jan 12 16:30 msg.NLZB
 5       2741 Jan 12 16:30 msg.OLZB
 6       3169 Jan 12 16:30 msg.PLZB
 7       3445 Jan 12 16:30 msg.QLZB

I put some folder-hooks into my .muttrc but that didn't help
at all.

Here's the relevant entries (I think):

mailboxes ! +mutt-user +several +other +mailboxes
set mbox_type=Maildir 
set folder=~/Mail
set folder_format="%N %8s %d %f"
folder-hook .              \
    'set index_format="%3C %Z %{%b %d}  %-15.15n (%4c) %s"'

What's wrong with that?

In other ways I'm very satisfied with mutt, it's quite 
comfortable even for newbees!

Thanks for the help

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