Rich Lafferty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It seems that Pine can keep track of messages flagged as deleted,
> between sessions (it adds a header, 'X-Status:  D'), so you can mark a
> bunch of messages as deleted and they stay marked until you finally
> expunge/sync the mailbox.

Mutt supports one side of this... if the mailbox contains messages with
the 'X-Status: D' header, they will indeed be pre-marked for deletion
upon entering the folder.  I have a procmail script which marks spam
messages in this fashion.

However, Mutt has no support for writing a mailbox in this fashion.

> Have I missed an option to do this in mutt, or is it not possible? 
> Was there a reason, or has it even been noticed/considered?  (I sure
> hadn't noticed it ;-)

Why do people always insist that someone give a specific reason why
something hasn't been done yet?  As if everyone had already considered
every possibility, and each was selected and rejected for various
criteria...  :)

In this case, the idea has come up on this list, and several people
thought it was a good idea, but nobody actually wrote any code, so
nothing actually happened.  That's how open software usually is.  :)

David DeSimone   | "The doctrine of human equality reposes on this:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]   |  that there is no man really clever who has not
Hewlett-Packard  |  found that he is stupid." -- Gilbert K. Chesterson
UX WTEC Engineer |    PGP: 5B 47 34 9F 3B 9A B0 0D  AB A6 15 F1 BB BE 8C 44

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