control-x on mine too. > Use the sync command. Usually it's just pressing the $ sign. -- Darrin Mison -- Laugh, and the world ignores you. Crying doesn't help either.
- Applying deletions without exiting Alwyn Schoeman
- Re: Applying deletions without exiting Mike Bell
- Re: Applying deletions without exiting Jorge Godoy
- Exiting without applying deletions (was: Applying dele... Rich Lafferty
- Re: Exiting without applying deletions (was: Apply... David DeSimone
- Re: Exiting without applying deletions (was: A... Rich Lafferty
- Re: Exiting without applying deletions (wa... Brendan Cully
- Re: Exiting without applying deletion... David DeSimone
- Re: Exiting without applying dele... Brendan Cully