On Thu, Jan 06, 2000 at 10:57:06AM +0200, Alwyn Schoeman wrote:
> Hi,
> Is there a way to delete the files tagged as delete without leaving
> mutt?

Use the sync command. Usually it's just pressing the $ sign. 

> Thank you
> Alwyn Schoeman

Godoy.  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>               GPG Fingerprint
                                         851B B620 626D 2AD0 E783
"Ser poeta não é minha ambição,          E932 1330 BE6D A4A3 0625 
 é minha maneira de estar sozinho"
                - Fernando Pessoa.

Except where explicitly stated I speak on my own behalf.
Exceto onde explicitado as declarações aqui feitas são apenas minhas.

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