I've just recently switched to using aterm instead of xterm with my X,
and as a result some of my Mutt key bindings have stopped working.
Apparently there is some difference in the programs.
Anyway, I'm puzzled over this. When I press Home I get (according to
a script I run to check the ascii values) ^[[1~ (where ^[ is an escape).
For PageUp, I get ^[[5~. Now, in my .muttrc, I have this line:
bind index \e[1~ first-entry
... Yet this doesn't work (I've verified in the ? screen for key
bindings that this is in effect). Mutt says that "Key is not bound".
When I press the : key to get an editor, I can get Mutt to display
^[[1~ when I press Esc followed by the Home key though... I don't
understand why this one key binding doesn't work. :-(
During experimenting, I found out that the shift-Home keypress generates
the keysequence ^[[1$ -- and I have successfully bound this to the
page-top function. Also, the PageUp and PageDown keys work. For some
reason it's just the Home and End keys which fail.
I know that the termcap library (or terminfo) really should set these
sequences and that Mutt should only need to know about <Home> and <End>,
but that hasn't ever worked for me adequately. Termcap/terminfo have
always been a bit of a mystery to me, so I've not tried fiddling with my
settings there too much.
Any ideas? Should I look into fixing my termcap/terminfo or can this be
taken care of with Mutt bindings somehow?
PS. Additionally, Home/End do not seem to work at all in the line
editor, for Home I get j added to the editing buffer, and nothing for
End. But I can live without that.
// Mikko Hänninen, aka. Wizzu // [EMAIL PROTECTED] // http://www.iki.fi/wiz/
// The Corrs list maintainer // net.freak // DALnet IRC operator /
// Interests: roleplaying, Linux, the Net, fantasy & scifi, the Corrs /
I havent't lost my mind -- I'm sure it is backed up somewhere.