On 28-Dec-1999, Mikko Hänninen wrote:
> I've just recently switched to using aterm instead of xterm with my X,
> and as a result some of my Mutt key bindings have stopped working.
> Apparently there is some difference in the programs.

I'm using aterm as well. All keys working well.
These are the relevant configs that I use:


        ATerm*backspacekey: ^H
        *VT100*translations:    #override \
              <Key>BackSpace:    string(0x7F) \n\
              <Key>Insert:       string(0x1b) string("[2~")\n\
              <Key>Delete:       string(0x1b) string("[3~")\n\
              <Key>Home:         string(0x1b) string("[1~")\n\
              <Key>End:          string(0x1b) string("[4~")\n\
        ~@Num_Lock<Key>KP_Insert:    string(0x1b) string("[2~")\n\
        ~@Num_Lock<Key>KP_Delete:    string(0x1b) string("[3~")\n\
        ~@Num_Lock<Key>KP_Home:      string(0x1b) string("[1~")\n\
        ~@Num_Lock<Key>KP_End:       string(0x1b) string("[4~")\n\


        keycode 22 = BackSpace osfBackSpace
        keycode 107 = Delete

~/.xsession: (or ~/.xinitrc if you don't use xdm)

        export COLORFGBG=default;0
        xmodmap $usermodmap
        exec wmaker

Hope that helps.

Ronny Haryanto

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