Hello guys,

The problem:

I've corrected mutt configuration adding next string in it (to
represent my current configuration): 
my_hdr From: Alexander Sclearuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Now all my fcc-save-hook and fcc-hook directives do not have any
effect: by default all messages are proposed to be saved in
=sent. I have played around with different configuration commands
send-hook - no effect too.

So, the question: what should be done to make fcc-save-hook &
fcc-hook options working again?

Mutt version: mutt v1.0i

If you find that more information is needed please find attached
.muttrc file.

Looking forward to your replies,
Alexander Sclearuc              Phone:  (373 2) 229968, 229967
NetInfo S.R.L.                  Phone/Fax:      (373 2) 213659
Chisinau                        http://www.netinfo-moldova.com
Moldova, Republic of      mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
# System configuration file for Mutt

# $Id: Muttrc.in,v 2.0 1998/12/12 08:05:33 roessler Rel $

# default list of header fields to weed when displaying
ignore *
unignore from: to cc subject sender date X-URL
#ignore "from "
#ignore "from " received content- mime-version status x-status message-id
#ignore references return-path lines
#unignore sender

bind index \eK extract-keys
bind pager \eK extract-keys
bind attach \eK extract-keys

# imitate the old search-body function
macro index \eb '/~b ' 'search in message bodies'
macro index \eB |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'
macro pager \eB |urlview\n 'call urlview to extract URLs out of a message'

# lists
macro index \e] ":unlists *\n"
macro index \e[ ":source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.mailing-lists\n"

# simluate the old url menu

# Show documentation when pressing F1
macro generic <f1> "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
macro index   <f1> "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt documentation"
macro pager   <f1> "!less /usr/local/doc/mutt/manual.txt\n" "Show Mutt documentation"

# If Mutt is unable to determine your sites domain name correctly, you can
# set the default here.
set hostname=netinfo-moldova.com

# If your sendmail supports the -B8BITMIME flag, enable the following
# set use_8bitmime

## More settings

# set abort_nosubject=ask-yes
# set abort_unmodified=yes
# set allow_8bit
set arrow_cursor
set ascii_chars
# unset askbcc
# unset askcc
# set attach_format="%u%D%t%2n %T%.40d%> [%.7m/%.10M, %.6e, %s] "
# set attach_split
# set attach_sep="\n"
set attribution="On %d, %n wrote:"
set autoedit
# unset auto_tag
unset beep
unset beep_new
#set charset="iso-8859-1"
#set charset="koi8-r"
set charset="cp866"
# set check_new
# set collapse_unread
unset confirmappend
# set confirmcreate
# set copy=yes
# set date_format="!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z"
# set default_hook="~f %s !~P | (~P ~C %s)"
set delete=yes
set dsn_notify="failure,delay"
set dsn_return="hdrs"
set edit_headers
# set editor=""
# set escape="~"
set fast_reply
# unset fcc_attach
# set folder="~/Mail"
# set folder_format="%N %F %2l %-8.8u %-8.8g %8s %d %f"
# set followup_to
# unset force_name
# set forward_decode
# unset forward_decrypt
# set forward_format="[%a: %s]"
# unset forward_quote
# set hdrs
# unset header
# set help
# unset hidden_host
set history=10
# set hostname=""
# set in_reply_to="%i; from %n on %{!%a, %b %d, %Y at %I:%M:%S%p %Z}"
# set include=ask-yes
# set indent_string="> "
# set index_format="%4C %Z %{%b %d} %-15.15L (%4l) %s"
# unset ignore_list_rely_to
set ispell="/usr/local/bin/ispell"
# set locale="C"
# set mail_check=5
# set mailcap_path=""
# set mark_old
# set markers
# set mask="!^\\.[^.]"
set mbox="~/mbox"
# set mbox_type="mmdf"
# unset metoo
# unset menu_scroll
# unset meta_key
# unset mh_purge
set mime_forward=ask-yes
unset mime_forward_decode
set move=no
# set message_format="%s"
# set pager="builtin"
# unset pager_context
# set pager_format="-%S- %C/%m: %-20.20n   %s"
# set pager_index_lines=0
# unset pager_stop
# unset pip_split
# unset pipe_decode
# set pipe_sep="\n"
# set post_indent_string=""
set postpone=ask-no
set postponed="~/postponed"
# set print=ask-no
set print_command="lp"
# set prompt_after=1
# set query_command=""
# set quit=yes
# set quote_regexp="^([ \t]*[|>:}#])+"
# set reply_regexp="^(re([\\[0-9\\]+])*|aw):[ \t]*"
# set read_inc=10
# unset read_only
set realname="Alexander Sclearuc <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"
# set recall=ask-yes
set record="=sent"
# unset reply_self
# set reply_to=ask-yes
# set resolve
# unset reverse_name
# unset save_address
# set save_empty
# unset save_name
# set sendmail="/usr/lib/sendmail -oem -oi"
# set sendmail_wait=0
# set shell=""
# set sig_dashes
set signature="~/.mutt.d/signature"
# set simple_search="~f %s | ~s %s"
# set smart_wrap
# set smileys="(>From )|(:[-^]?[][)(><}{|/DP])"
# set sort=date-sent
set sort=date-received
# set sort_aux=date-sent
# set sort_browser=subject
# set sort_re
# set spoolfile=""
# set status_chars="-*%A"
# set status_format="-%r-Mutt: %f [Msgs:%?M?%M/?%m%?n? New:%n?%?o? Old:%o?%?d? 
Del:%d?%?F? Flag:%F?%?t? Tag:%t?%?p? Post:%p?%?b? Inc:%b?%?l? 
# unset status_on_top
# unset strict_threads
# set suspend
# unset thorough_search
# unset tilde
# set timeout=600
set tmpdir="~/tmp"
# set to_chars="+TCF"
# unset uncollapse_jump
# unset use_8bitmime
# set use_domain
# set use_from
# set use_mailcap
# set visual=""
# set wait_key
# set wrap_search
# set write_bcc
# set write_inc=10

## The following options are only vaild if you have
## compiled in IMAP support

# set imap_user=""
# set imap_pass=""
# set imap_checkinterval=""

## The following options are only valid if you have 
## compiled in PGP support

# unset pgp_autosign
# unset pgp_autoencrypt
# set pgp_encryptself
# unset pgp_long_ids
# unset pgp_replyencrypt
# unset pgp_replysign
# set pgp_sign_as=""
# set pgp_sign_micalg="pgp-md5"
# set pgp_strict_enc
# set pgp_timeout=300
# set pgp_verify_sig=yes

# set pgp_v2="/usr/local/bin/pgp"
# set pgp_v2_language="en"
# set pgp_v2_pubring=""
# set pgp_v2_secring=""

# set pgp_v5="no"
# set pgp_v5_language=""
# set pgp_v5_pubring=""
# set pgp_v5_secring=""

# set pgp_gpg="/usr/local/bin/gpg"
# set pgp_default_version="pgp2" # (Not really the default, but...)

# Here, "default" means the value of $pgp_default_version:

# set pgp_receive_version="default"
# set pgp_key_version="default"
# set pgp_send_version="default"

## The following options are only available if you have
## compiled in POP support

set pop_delete
set pop_host="mail"
set pop_port=1700
# set pop_pass=""
# set pop_user="user"
# unset pop_last

# order of headers
hdr_order Subject: From: To: Date: Sender: X-URL:

# hooks
source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.hooks.fcc-save
source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.hooks.folder
source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.hooks.send

source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.mailing-lists

set alias_file=~/.mutt.d/mutt.aliases
source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.aliases

source ~/.mutt.d/mutt.headers

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