> > How about macro-ing all the common IMAP folders?
> > 
> This is possible but it's not particularly flexible as I'd have to
> edit the .muttrc file every time I created a new folder. 
> The essential problem when moving around a number of folders is that
> one may not always remember the names exactly (which is where a GUI
> helps!).
> What I think is needed (or at least what I need) is:-
> 1 - An easy way to get to read mail in IMAP folders. This could be
>     done fairly easily with a macro. The macro could either go direct
>     to the folder or could get a listing by doing a 'c' command (e.g.
>     'c{mailandnews.co.uk}') and then one can select the folder to look
>     at quite easily.

I have been 'browsing IMAP folders' for quite a while now.

mailboxes ! `~/bin/imap_folder_list`

do like i do, and hack together a short perl script to recersivly list
your IMAP folders.  :)  now I just use `echo ~/mail/lists/*` since I
have moved back to saving everything on the local system.  i couldn't
live without my procmail.  :)


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